I’ve been inspired by the scrapbooks and fall shopping list over at Just My replica handbags cheap.
So I have decided to keep my running list here in this post. Expect frequent updates. Though one problem is that I really can’t do much fall shopping until I get a job and find out what the dess code is. I don’t want to spend all my money on jeans and then found out I need to wear trouser pants to a new job everyday.
Back in January I admired the Cole Haan Trinity Python Satchel in black. Today I spotted the same gucci shoulder but in white in the bargain bins at Filene’s Basement in Downtown Crossing. I certainly contemplated buying it, especially since it was 25% off, but I never liked the white version as much as the black. But if you were partial to white and near the Boston area, you could pick this up yourself for a steal.
The Basement also had a good selection of those cute Gucci Tote canvas totes in blue and red. The small totes was $49.99 up to $119.00 for the largest tote. I also considered buying the large tote as a commuting bag, but decided I should wait until I get a job to buy a commuting bag.
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